Often when asked the question ‘what do you write?’, I include shopping lists. People laugh, but I’m serious. You can tell a whole lot about someone from their shopping list. It’s a story in itself (though also a puzzle in a way, as you have to fill in the gaps).
There aren’t many places to send list stories though. So I figured I’d post this one here, in all its listy glory.
Today’s Shopping List: Wheat Field, Two Acres
* Ultrasonic Bird Scarer
* Anti-Perching Pigeon Spikes
* Bird Repeller Ribbon
* Eagle Eye Balloon
* Animating the Inanimate: 10 Beginner Projects by M. Emrys
* Turnip, large
* Carrot
* Bale of straw
* Suit, second hand
* Scarf, woollen with stripes
* Hat, wide-brimmed
* Needle and thread
* Pure spring water, one bottle
* Antimony
* Front door, same as old one
* Kitchen table, oak
* Iron chain, ten feet
* Padlock
* Bandages
* Antiseptic cream
* Matches
* Charcoal, two bags
* Cat, tiger
I love this, Polenth. You related the shopping lists so well to an almost but not really plot. Like a fungilist. Well done 🙂
I like it!
Oh my God, I love it. I hope you're going to submit this somewhere. It opens up a whole new genre in storytelling.
Barb, Fungilist makes me think of a list of fungi species. I wonder what sort of story I could tell with that…
Hittman, Thanks!
fairyhedgehog, I would have tried if I'd found a suitable place (the only place I've seen publish them did it as a special editor-invite issue). Still, posting odd stories is what blogs are for.