I have flash fiction up at Everyday Weirdness today. Yay!
Link to the story: Ten Easy Steps
Of speculative fiction, reviews and random tangents
Announcements about things being released.
I have flash fiction up at Everyday Weirdness today. Yay!
Link to the story: Ten Easy Steps
I haven’t posted for awhile, but I’m not dead. Yay! This is just a short post to let you know that other than my aliveness, I have a story up at Every Day Fiction. I call this “literary with speculative vibes”, but I’m sure there’s probably a better name.
I’ve got a poem up at Every Day Poets today! It’s a light-hearted poem, so no sadness warnings this time:
I have a strong urge to post relevant lolcats, but I’m resisting.
Flashshot published my drabble ‘The Price of a Soul’ today (3rd Sept). If you’re subscribed to their daily story list, you have it in your mailbox. If you’re not, you can find it on their main page today and their last ten flashshots for the next ten days.
This was one of the stories I wrote for the March FAD. That means two out of five stories have gone to loving homes. I wonder if the last three will have any luck?
As you might tell from my creative title, one of my poems has burst forth into the world. Something like that. It’s a freeform poem called ‘Waiting’.
I’m giving a sadness warning. The funnies aren’t here.