Book Launch: Everyday Aliens (Flash Fiction Collection)

My new flash fiction collection is out! This is my first book in some years, for reasons I’ll discuss below. Briefly, it’s about aliens and it’s flash fiction. Visit the official book page for all the buying links. There are promotional posts on Bluesky and Tumblr if you’d like to signal boost them.


Book Description

The everyday lives of aliens are explored in this collection of flash fiction and poetry. An amoeboid shares recipe tips. Cartwheeling worms carry messages across the desert. A living planet has suspicions about a new moon. Humanoid aliens fade into the background as the truly alien aliens take the stage to tell their own stories.

This is a novella-length collection and includes some non-fiction notes and citations at the end. There are various speculative genres included, not just science fiction. Most of the stories were first published in this book. Two were published in 2024 in Second Life (“Almost Eggs” and “The Sincerity Of Kindness”). And one was very old (“Radial Loop Fire”).

The cover of EVERYDAY ALIENS by Polenth Blake is on a black background. The cover has a complex doodle of alien life in rainbow colours on black, drawn by the author. Captions pointing at the book cover read: Xenofiction, Weird, Flash Fiction, Citations, Speculative Biology, Slice-of-(Alien)Life, Poetry, Starfish Aliens and Very Alien Aliens. A caption points across the cover to the worm which reads: Fred.



How long are the stories? Between one word and one thousand words (including subtitles in the count, but excluding the main title and scene break markers).

Are there humans? All the stories are from the perspective of aliens. Three stories feature Earth life as well. One of these has humans. So, yes, humans exist in the collection’s multiverse. It’s just not about them.

Are the characters QUILTBAG? The main characters aren’t human, so don’t have experiences that exactly match what we’d call queer. In their own contexts, some are going against assigned social roles and assumptions about relationships. One is clearly intersex based on the usual lifecycle of that species. In the end, this was written by an aroace non-binary person, and it shows.

What’s with the square brackets? That’s intentional. [a mystery]



Some years back, I wrote a story called “Radial Loop Fire” for Patreon. It was in response to people saying they wanted aliens who were very alien. So they got a story about the lifecycle of a crawling alien who communicated in songs of three words. It was designed to be printed on a cylinder with no true beginning or end.

Coming up with a collection gave more space to try other ideas. I looked up various planets, such as hot Jupiters and carbon planets. I considered what aliens would be like in universes with magic and things like that. I made aliens inspired by various known life and some that people might not think about as living.

It was also a place to experiment with story structures. There are 6-words, 50-words, 100-words (drabble), and 369 (3×69-words) stories. I wrote a story in fourth person (in the indefinite sense, though there are some “we” stories as well). One is formed from pieces of code.

There wasn’t a lot of point in trying to be marketable with the concept, so I didn’t. If I wanted to write it, I gave it a go.



I published Werecockroach in 2018. The next couple of years were heat waves and family deaths, but I’d hoped to get some writing done in 2020 as things settled. Instead, I ended up catching COVID-19 in February and was left with long covid. I wrote very little.

It took a lot of healing before I could really write again. Even then, long projects were just too daunting. But as I healed, I started thinking about aliens. The next thing I knew, I had a basic outline for a collection and was writing stories.

I’m not new to flash fiction. My first pro sales were flash fiction and people used to call me a flash fiction writer. Until I sold a few longer short stories and wrote a novel. It turned out to be a length that worked very well for a recovering brain. It meant I could split a larger project into very manageable lumps.

This isn’t a project I’d have done for the goal of selling things. Flash isn’t the most popular format. Nor is weird stuff from alien perspectives. But my priority wasn’t sales. It was simply finding something I could finish writing. That was freeing in a way, because it meant my main worry was getting it done to my satisfaction. Not whether someone else would like it.

The good news is this worked. Five years after getting sick, I’m here with a finished book.

2024: Suddenly

The world continues to burn as my health improves. I don’t think this is a Dorian Gray type of situation.



This year marked private COVID boosters being approved in the UK. I received two during the year. My slow physical improvements were suddenly not slow. At the end of the year, I’m at a point where I can walk for several miles and my knee is mostly straightened. I really wish I could have had boosters before, because I suspect it would have knocked a year or two off my recovery. But post-viral symptoms weren’t considered a valid reason to get the NHS ones.

Everything is pretty stable now. The damaged joints are much more solid now my muscles are growing back. I doubt I’ll stop walking with a stick, but I can get out more.

More mobility and energy has also meant I’ve caught up with sorting animal stuff. I restocked my fish tank. This resulted in some bonus danio fry turning up in the quarantine tank. I got some new cockroaches to start a colony, which has worked out. My previous attempt did not breed at my room temperature.

Bit by bit, I’m catching up on things.



I sold “Born Outside” to Clarkesworld. This is a pod people story that came out in July. It’s the first publication of that story, for those who keep track of such things.


Everyday Aliens

Everyday Aliens is my novella-length flash fiction collection and has an official page here. I had planned on releasing this earlier in the year, but initially delayed until after my Clarkesworld story was out and to let my social media rebuild. I worked on other things in the gaps, like more flash fiction and notes for future projects.

I could have released this in late December, but decided against in order to push it into 2025. This is mostly because people were acting like 2024 was already over. Being technically the next year means it might just get included in some reading roundups and the like.

Anyway, coming soon.


Future Writing

I’m working on a sequel to Werecockroach. I had notes before, but my brain wasn’t in the right place to work on it. Now, I have the files sorted and I’m writing it.

The first book wasn’t intended to have a sequel, but I know there’s interest and I came up with ideas. It’ll have a standalone story, just like the first. If all goes well, I also have ideas for a third book, which’d round it out nicely as a novella trilogy. It’ll follow the same characters and Rin will continue to be the viewpoint character. I also intend to have a bonus Addie short story in each one.


Social Media

Bluesky continues to build. The starter packs mean I’m now followed by more people than on old Twitter. How many will stick around remains to be seen.

Reddit is the runner up for causing book sales, as Werecockroach is increasingly getting recommended by other people. I haven’t been able to leverage that into sales of my other books, but it’s still a start.


Other Things

I was a virtual attendee at the Glasgow Worldcon. This was rather last minute, as I got paid for the Clarkesworld story and I wanted to watch the space fungi panel. This worked and I might try this again if I have the spare money. I posted some brief notes on the panels I watched.

I looked around for some grants to see if there was anything that might give me some space to get sorted, now that I’m writing again. Mostly no. I did try applying for the Otherwise Fellowship.

The others, I either wasn’t really eligible or using the money was too restrictive. A system where the money is paid back for approved expenses requires having enough money to cover it. There’s also the risk that the expense won’t be approve or the payment will be delayed. It’s an odd choice for a grant, because it means the people who need it the most won’t be able to use it.

For most things, like blogging and videos, I’ll see what I get time and motivation to do. I’ll have more time to sort other stuff if I can get a few more book projects out.



I’m getting stuff done. I had a pod people story in Clarkesworld and my aliens flash fiction collection will drop in January. I hope to write a sequel to Werecockroach next year and whatever else I manage to do. I’m still on Bluesky.

All the Stars Left Behind – Ashley Graham

Stars CoverFirst Published: 6th June, 2017
Genre: Young Adult Science Fiction / Novel
Available: | Amazon UK

Leda moves to Norway after her father’s death. Roar is an alien looking for a weapon to stop the destruction of his world.

Aliens in this setting are basically human. There’s a reference to humans being “almost another species” compared to Aurelites (Roar’s people). So there are differences, but they’re not that huge. The only oddity is blood colour changes depending on where someone is born. It’s probably best not to worry about the science of that too closely.

The early part of the novel had some odd jumps and inconsistencies. My guess would be there were some heavy cuts in the beginning during editing and the rest wasn’t changed to match up, but it means it’s a little confusing at times. Things settle out when the space elements gets going.

The book has instalove, which is not really my thing. I did like that Leda and Roar have to consider life beyond instalove. I wasn’t so fond of the idea that sex is mandatory for relationships (this comes mainly from Leda). I also don’t like over-protective and controlling behaviour from love interests. Roar does this less often than some, but he still ends up climbing into her bed and hugging her without asking, not letting goes when she struggles, and it’s fine because that’s what she wants after all. This is scary, not romantic.

There’s a fair bit of representation in this book, but some of it is rocky. Early on, there’s a microaggression about a woman having shoulders that are too broad for a woman, which sets the tone. There are a lot of little things and some big things. I’ll discuss a few of them, but it’s not a complete list.

Leda has spina bifida and uses crutches. The good sides are that she isn’t magically cured when the alien stuff gets going and she can’t suddenly run around without crutches when the plot demands it. There is also a mention of having limited energy, such as walking without crutches for a short distance making it hard to walk at all. However, I wasn’t fond of her constant self-hatred. She’s internalised a lot ableism, which may well be realistic, but it is somewhat constant during the story. She wants people to see past her disability, as though it’s a negative thing that overlays the real person inside.

Leda appears to be non-white. She’s described as having light brown skin and black hair. Roar considers that she looks “Spanish-meets-Arabic”. So she’s likely someone who has ancestry that is not clear. I didn’t like that Roar considers her “beautiful in an exotic kind of way”. This is not a compliment. Worded another way, this is saying she’s pretty for someone of her race, not properly pretty like all the pale blondes.

Roar’s friend Petrus is mute and uses sign language. Both norsk tegnspråk and Aurelis’s sign language. It’s unclear how he became mute, though it’s implied that he hasn’t always been.

One of the characters is a trans boy. The reveal was through misgendering and deadnaming the character, which is repeated several times. Also, it avoided any issues that would be specific to Aurelites. Namely that males have living tattoos that develop at birth. There is a brief mention of the trans boy having tattoos, but it’s something I’d have expected to be much more of a big deal in this context.

Some of the supporting characters are either gay or bi/pan. There’s not a lot to say on that, as not a lot happened, but they’re there.

The central issue is that this book copies some tropes that are popular in mainstream books, without critically looking at those tropes. It’s great to have a more diverse cast, but not so great to copy harmful tropes relating to that diverse cast. It’s painful because a lot of these things were on the surface. They could have been sorted without changing the main plot. It did feel like the author was trying, but wasn’t able to get there.

All this aside, I thought the book was reasonable. It passed the time and there were some bits I liked. The concept of aliens hiding out in a remote part of Norway was an interesting idea. The space conflicts make it clear that there’s more going on. There’s the potential for a series tackling some colonial political issues. Note that the book does have an ending, but it’s written as though it is the first in a series rather than a true standalone.

No Man’s Sky

Game CoverDeveloper: Hello Games
First Release: 9th August, 2016
Version Played: PlayStation 4
Available: | Amazon UK | Steam

A traveller wakes up by a shipwreck on an alien world. A message is left for them by an entity called Atlas, and sentinel drones patrol for unknown reasons. It’s time to fix the ship and go exploring.

Procedural generation is the core of this game. Every planet is a bit different. Animals are constructed from putting together basic parts, there are different plant selections, different climates, and so on. The art style looks rather like old science fiction landscape covers. It’s somewhat realistic, but much brighter and bolder.

My first planet was an idyllic world with green almost-grass, reddish-orange trees, and lovely weather. As I woke up next to my broken spaceship, I was told something by the exosuit voice that I couldn’t understand, because the voice is difficult to pick out and it didn’t have subtitles. This fortunately becomes less of an issue after that, as the suit voice is just reinforcing things shown on the screen.

Image Caption: My starting planet. The foreground has green grass, and a larger tree on the right with red-orange leaves. The distance has patches of brown earth and more grass, with a forest stretching into the distance. The sky is a pale green colour. At the top, there’s a black curve, which acts as a compass.

The game prompted me to fix the ship. After a long journey for minerals, and an encounter with angry crabs, I got it done. But I still left the ship behind, as planets are made for walking. This became easier when I realised I could call the ship from certain locations, so I didn’t need to worry that I’d wander too far. I quickly got the hang of the different things I could find, like ruins with alien backstory, and drop pods to upgrade my suit inventory. I looked for new animals on the way, to find all the species on the planet. It is a little strange that I was discovering things on a planet packed with alien outposts, where spaceships were flying above me. These things already had names, and there were logs from travellers who’d been here before me. But my traveller liked to think they were the first to discover it, so I wasn’t going to argue.

Just when I was wondering where I’d find the last few creatures, I had a stroke of luck. As I crested the rolling hills, I spied a flock of majestic penises bouncing along on their testicles. It’s said that players given an open creation tool will always make genitals, but it’s maybe time we cut them some slack. Procedural algorithms are no better. It was also at this point I decided that naming everything after what it resembled was a bad idea.

Eventually, it was time to head into space. This was an odd experience, as space was a thick coloured cloud with asteroids everywhere. The controls were like trying to fly in treacle. Planets were all very close, making it feel more like a pretty menu for the planets than being in space. I do give credit for it being a seamless experience, as I could go from space to the planet’s surface without obvious loading screens. It just didn’t feel like space.

The galactic map, used for jumping between systems, was awkward to use. I really wish it had a cursor I could move over the stars, rather than having to move the sticks around and hope it moved to the star I wanted to view. It’s unlikely I could ever find my way back to systems I’d previously discovered.

After jumping between a few systems, ships would sometimes attack in space, but I still felt like I was selecting planets from a menu rather than flying a ship. The combat was nothing special. There wasn’t any depth in weapon choices, with only two kinds of weapon with a few upgrades. Having to go into the inventory to recharge shields was a pain. All round, space combat was something to do for the game milestones (which also link to trophies), not because it was good.

My early experiences were generally fun. I liked exploring, and it wasn’t too difficult to mine stuff to keep my exosuit running. Inventory space is a little tight at first, but it can be expanded. The biggest issue was the game didn’t want to explain anything. Controls were only shown in a diagram in the options menu and there was no explanation of what icons meant. For example, selecting options requires holding the button, not just pressing it. A red shield icon appears on the screen, but it actually means the inventory is full, not that the shield has a problem. Scanned plants and animals have to be uploaded after scanning to count, and again after all animals are found. There’s no air of mystery in withholding basic game functions from the player. All it meant is I paused the game to search for the answers online, which was time I wasn’t spending playing the game.

As the game continued, I got the hang of the interface, and it was mainly down to exploring. I enjoy mining and exploring in games, so I didn’t mind wandering around looking for animals and gathering resources. It’s a relaxing thing to do. There were a few more exciting moments on planets with threats, which were also fun in their own way. I spent a long time on a planet with sentinels that attack on sight, as part of a set of milestones for surviving on extreme planets. I think the family were a bit boggled as I walked slowly over the landscape and said, “I can’t stop. A killer robot is chasing me.” Sentinels aren’t the fastest robots out there.

Encounters with aliens were mostly rather similar, but there were a few that stood out. There was the time I stuck a killer slug up my nose because of a misunderstanding between “don’t stick this up your nasal passage” and “stick this up your nasal passage”. I’d have liked more of those, and less of aliens needing some basic resource for their equipment. These alien encounters could be a good way of showing how their society is now, in contrast to their ancient history, but the game never really got there.

The planets were the highlight. I found rocky deserts with strange plants and stone pyramids, ocean worlds with swimming eyeballs, and lush planets with plants everywhere. Some things do repeat a little too often, such as there being a limited range of items that grow in caves, and resource items looking the same on most planets. Those zinc flowers are like an invasive species that have found a way to populate nearly every planet in the galaxy. But mostly, I was finding planets that couldn’t have been mistaken for the one before.

Another planet

Image Caption: Another planet, which contrasts starkly with my first planet. Giant red leaves twist towards the sky, growing from a bare rock surface. The air is hazy and orange. The compass is visible, and there’s a white dot in the centre which acts as a cursor in the PS4 version.

Animals have areas where the variation really works, such as individuals in a herd varying. They might have babies with them, for example. Some species have very different individuals, to the point that it takes a scan to see they’re the same species. I did get a feel for some of the elements used to make the animals, as some noticeably repeated. Angry crabs were pretty common on the worlds I visited. The range of animal sounds was also small. But I was always finding new things. The best was when a big animal was given tiny butterfly wings, and it flew along like the universe’s most clumpy fairy.

As might be guessed from the clumpy fairy, the biology isn’t realistic. Herbivores can have carnivore teeth or a planet might only have herbivores. Animal behaviour is not very detailed. There were some nice moments though, like the carnivorous cow trying to chase one of the faster herbivores. There’s a good reason why cows aren’t mighty hunters. I’d like to see more of that kind of thing.

My discoveries

Image Caption: A collage of some of my animal discoveries, showing the range of things found. Animals include a mushroom with eyes on their stalk, a bird with three butterfly wing segments, a biped bird-dinosaur with a unicorn horn on their nose, an eyeball with tentacles, a mite with six legs and a crest on their back, and a green zebra-striped pigcow.

Much as I like exploring, the game promised a story. The strongest point is the lore about the past. Ruins reveal the history of the main alien races. Old logs tell the story of an ancient traveller. Any player can find these by exploring, regardless of other choices.

Things aren’t good when it comes to story where the player participates. The crash site had an item that let me talk to Atlas. This suggested there were two main story paths: helping Atlas and rejecting Atlas. It turns out that wasn’t the case. By rejecting Atlas, I’d opted out of the story, rather than choosing a different story. For those who do follow Atlas, the additional story it unlocks is sparse. There’s also a little bit of information that can be picked up by talking to two other characters, which again, doesn’t add a whole lot.

The game also strongly suggests that getting to the centre of the starting galaxy would be significant. All systems are marked by how close they are to the centre, there are black holes as shortcuts to the centre, and the galactic map really wants to show the player how to get to the centre. But the game sets players up to be disappointed, as it doesn’t follow through on the promise of something special.

The central problem was a lack of satisfying rewards for doing any of these things. That would mean getting a reasonable chunk of story or visiting a unique place. The game could have done with taking a good look at walking simulators. Those games have using story and setting as a reward, often in non-linear ways, down to an art. It’s clear that’s what this game was trying to do, but it didn’t succeed.

There are accessibility issues with the game. The character head movement can’t be turned off. This is particularly a problem as the character sways when standing still, which removes my usual trick of taking a motion sickness break by standing still. Red and green dots are used to mark animals when scanning, which is a colour blindness issue. The dots are also tiny. Making the dots bigger, and putting a symbol in the dots, would make them a lot more usable.

The game has a wide variety of genders for the animals found, including rational, asymmetric, orthogonal, none, and non-uniform. Some aliens are referred to using gender-neutral pronouns. There aren’t any humans, so there isn’t a direct comparison to how well it handles human genders. However, all but one of the trophy descriptions are named after stories by men, which isn’t a good sign in that direction (the exception being short story “Symphony For a Lost Traveler” by Lee Killough).

A concern for how endless the game will be is the design decisions for galaxy creation. My top update would be more types of worlds to explore, more alien races, adding more assets into the pot for the procedural algorithms to use, and other things that mean there will always be more to find. But the universe is already created, so that’s unlikely to happen. It would mean remaking the universe, and destroying people’s discoveries in the process, which I’m sure they won’t do (and I wouldn’t want them to either). I’d have rather the game started out with a single galaxy and had new variations in future galaxies, than to have infinite galaxies that will all be the same.

This is a game that has its extremes. The weak areas, like the story and the space flight, are very weak. The strength is the range of planets produced from the procedural algorithms, which is something unique. It will appeal to anyone who wants to wander alien planets. I loved finding the animals, swimming in the oceans, and naming everything. The main thing is for players to know what they’re getting. Exploring other worlds and seeing strange creatures, for sure. A story that explores the mystery of the setting and great space combat, not so much.

The Days of Tao – Wesley Chu

Days of Tao CoverSeries: Tao, #3.5
First Published: 30th April, 2016
Genre: Science Fiction / Novella
Available: | Amazon UK | Subterranean

Cameron Tan is studying in Greece when he’s called up for a secret mission. Another agent has important information, and needs help getting out of the country.

The concept of the story was interesting. There are two rival alien groups, who live inside human hosts. The alien brings knowledge to their host, but not amazing superpowers. This gives the whole thing more of a spy action vibe, as no one is a bullet sponge.

I also enjoyed the opening. It starts with Nazar, the agent who has to get out of Greece. He’s competent and has a complex past. But this is the only time he really gets development, as he doesn’t have any other sections from his perspective. I didn’t understand why he couldn’t escape on his own, as he’d have been much safer. Having a damaged arm (from an injury years back) was not a good reason. It made him distinctive, but it’s not like the escape plan was ever to walk through border control. This was a very weak reason for needing help.

I wasn’t particularly interested in Cameron Tan, the actual main character. He’s the classic inept slacker guy, who for some reason keeps getting important tasks to do. I got the impression I was supposed to find that hilarious, especially the repeated joke about low grades in art history. The first half of the story is mostly how funny it is that he’s terrible at stuff, and everything else is happening painfully slowly.

Then there’s a sudden shift when the group gets moving. There are too many characters, and everything’s going too fast, for them to get any development. It’s hard to really get inside the difficult choices Cameron has to make when the people around him are so flat. The tone also goes from laugh-at-the-funny-guy to death-and-angst. Which is the realistic outcome of choosing someone incompetent for a task. This did raise my interest in the book. But people who enjoyed the first part might find that change a downer.

All in all, this story didn’t work for me at novella length. Fewer characters and a tighter opening half would have done a lot. I’m sure readers who’ve been following the series will like it, and it does appear to set up some things for future stories. It’s probably not the best introduction to the world though.

[A copy of this book was received from the publisher for review purposes]